GoToMeeting has had 1 update within the past 6 months. Join in your GoToMeeting session using one of the two ways explained above. Download GoToMeeting for Windows to meet online, share your screen and video conference with anyone, anywhere.Click on to install/start the GoToMeeting desktop app.You will come across the following prompt in a browser.Click on the meeting link for the respective session.In order to do so, you will have to leave the ongoing session and rejoin using the same meeting link. While joined in a GoToMeeting session, you cannot switch from the web app to the desktop app. Note: If you are logged into your GoToMeeting account and are joining someone else's meeting, select "Join a meeting" in the desktop app then enter the meeting ID. Open the desktop app, enter the Access Code in the meeting ID section to join the meeting.If not, you will see it at the bottom right of your computer screen, while being prompted to open the desktop app.You will find the Access Code in the invitation sent to you.The Join URL includes a 9-digit meeting ID, which is also available in the form of "Access Code".This will instantly open your GoToMeeting session in the desktop app.You will then be prompted to open the "GoTo Opener" desktop application.It will be available in the invitation sent to you. Youll be automatically launched into the Waiting Room or the live session 5. It is an online meeting, desktop sharing, and video conferencing software package. Enter the Meeting ID, then click the arrow key. GoTo Meeting (formerly GoToMeeting) is a web conferencing software by GoTo. Note that you cannot host sessions on Internet Explorer. Click on the unique meeting link, which is the "Join URL" to your GoToMeeting session. Open a Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer web browser.Note: In case of joining someone eles's meeting room, it is not mandatory to sign in to your GoToMeeting account. Once you receive a GoToMeeting session invitation on email, you can join it either with a unique invitation link or a meeting ID.You can run a system check to ensure your device is supported by the GoToMeeting application.Download the GoToMeeting Desktop App on your computer.
#Global gotomeeting com install how to#
This is a step-by-step guide that explains how to join a GoToMeeting Session online from the desktop app.